About payment system

Through our website you can make payments for memberships, fundrisers and donations.

When making a payment you will at first add a payment method, and later you can reuse methods assigned to your account

We don't store your payment information, it is stored by payment processor, we have only token and masked numbers.

Payment options

We have a variety of options to choose when making a payment:

ACH direct from bank

When creating an ACH payment, at first you will need to authorize your account through Plaid - a secure service that allows you to authorize instantly, without needing to wait a couple of days. Simply choose ACH option in the payment form, click "Add Bank Account" and follow instructions from Plaid.

After finishing, this payment will be in a 'pending' state, your membership will be active. When the payment is processed by Stripe it will be confirmed or rejected. In case of a rejected payment you will be able to try again, using the same or new payment method.

Credit card

When creating Card payment, at first you will need to input card data. Simply choose Credit Card option in the payment form and fill in card information and click "Pay" button.